Ensure the latest source code of your package is in your own Github repository and the Docker image published to your Dockerhub account
Request for your package to be published to the eGeoffrey Marketplace
Go to https://github.com/egeoffrey/egeoffrey-marketplace/tree/master/marketplace
Click on Create new file
Name the file as your package name with a yml extension (e.g. egeoffrey-service-example.yml)
The file content should have a single line in the format github: <git_username>/<git_repository>
Save the file; this will trigger a PR (Pull Request)
Once your request will be merged, your package will be available for all the other eGeoffrey users!
If you are releasing a new version of a package there is no need to repeat the procedure above: it is up the Marketplace to always provide the most up to date content