Setting up the Environment

  1. Select which kind of eGeoffrey functionality you want to provide:
    • notification to trigger notifications upon specific events (e.g. email, slack, etc.)
    • interaction to interact with eGeoffrey (e.g. with a microphone, through slack, etc.)
    • service to provide an interface with a specific device, protocol or service which are used to collect measures and values for your sensors or control your actuator (e.g. a weather service API, a zigbee device, etc.)
  2. Choose a name for the package you want to build (e.g. we are creating a "service" called "example")
  3. Create the local repository for hosting your code:
    • Initialize a new, empty repository with egeoffrey-cli repo init service example <your_github_user> which will automatically:
      • create a directory called egeoffrey-service-example
      • create inside it the package directory structure and other supporting files (.gitignore, .dockerignore, manifest.yml etc.)
      • initialize the git repository
      • configure the remote URL to Github
  4. Create the remote repository in your GitHub account, in this example it has to be called egeoffrey-service-example
  5. Always on GitHub, go to the "Settings" of your repository, click on "Secrets" and create a secret called DOCKERHUB_USERNAME storing your DockerHub username and DOCKERHUB_TOKEN storing the DockerHub access code previously created. This will be used by the build process to automatically push the images to DockerHub
  6. Go into the directory of your local repostiory and commit your code by running egeoffrey-cli repo commit "First commit"
  7. Ensure the source code has been pushed by visit your repository on GitHub
  8. Always in your repository, click "Actions" and ensure the "Build and Publish eGeoffrey Package" workflow is completed (showing up green, it could take a couple of minutes)
  9. Ensure the Docker images have been pushed to DockerHub by visiting your DockerHub account (for each supported CPU architecture two images are built, one named as branch and another named after the version number)